Maintain a beautiful even skin tone.



Enlighten™ Rx

We're The First Provider In The Region!

Enlighten™ from Le Reve is the new gold standard of medium depth chemical peel and skin lightening system on the market. Gray's medical is proud to be the first provider in the region. We are thrilled with this peanut butter like mask peel that stays on the skin for 12 hours and comes with a complete after care regime for 28 days. Popular in sun worshipping areas like Texas, women get to shed the year's accumulated sun damage after 1 treatment.

The bonus? It's micro shedding so you don't have to walk around feeling self conscious of dead skin falling off your face. Targeted treatment for hyperpigmentation, melasma, dark spots, blotchy or scarred skin, dull skin and large pores.


Recognized Obagi® Skin Care Centre
Celebrate the Beauty of Diversity




Gray's Medical has been using Obagi Medical products as the mainstay of skin care regimens for years now. We love the company's skinclusion philosophy and of course our patients can't get enough of their transformational skin care products. Obagi has over 30 years of clinically proven results to lighten, brighten, nourish, protect and enhance skin tone.
